
A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature

Volume 13     Issue 3     September 2019

Essays and Fiction in this Issue

The essays in this issue continue to exhibit the broad range of work that disability essay is capable of doing. Hunter Deiglemeier's "Love is (not) Blind " takes a look at the tropes about blindness in Elizabeth Gaskill's Mary Barton in the context of Victorian literature. In the first of two parts, fiction writer Jonathan Mack's experimental essay "Paragraphism" proposes the paragraph as the ideal form for disability writing. Shahd Alshammari, Anne Kaier and Amirah al Wassif all demonstrate what the lyrical disability essay can do. Finally, sixteen year old Irish writer, Fiona Morrison documents her experience as a person with chronic illness in "Define Me"

Two pieces of fiction compliment the essays above. One story, "Charity," is from newcomer Adrian Spratt. The second is poet, playwright and long-time contributor Kobus Mooman's foray into fiction.

Wordgathering is always open to new disability-related essays and short fiction that make a contribution to disability literature. In our journal's transition to its new Syracuse University site, submission guidelines for the immediate future will remain as in the past. Please check the journal Submission Guidelines. Queries can be addressed to comments@wordgathering.com.


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