
A Journal of Disability Poetry

Volume 3     Issue 3     September 2009


The September 2009 issue of Wordgathering includes two interview. The first is with Trace Estes, a poet and the managing editor of the Alsop Review. Estes talks about what he looks for in writing submitted to his magazine and his views of disability poetry. The second interview is with newcomer Irie Parker who discussesthe writing of his first novel Twisted Consequences.

Last issue's dialogue among four women poets with disabilities - Linda Cronin, Ona Gritz, Patricia Wellingham-Jones and Kath Wolfe - proved extremely popular. Testimony to that is the response to that dialogues submitted by poet Curtis Robbins, who enlarges upon the dialogue by comparing the opportunities for writers with disabilities to those available to Deaf writers.

This site is maintained by Michael Northen.