This is an archived page from the original website for Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature. It appears solely in its original formatting. The accompanying rights and privileges pertaining to published content between March 2007 and September 2019 (Volume 1, Issue 1 through Volume 13, Issue 3) apply to this page. For current Wordgathering content, guidelines, rights and privileges, and further information, please visit the Wordgathering site hosted by Syracuse University.
WordgatheringA Journal of Disability Poetry |
Interviews and Essays in this IssueThe two interviewees in this issue of Wordgathering stand as bookends representing two very different approaches to writing poetry. Jennifer Bartlett is a lyric poet whose work is heavily influenced by the Language poets and the Black Mountain School. The visual appearance of her work on the page helps to make her poetry identifiable. The narrative poetry of Ellen LaFleche, on the other hand, is all about story. Her poetry derives from the lives of those she has met, and there is a strong oral component that comes through when she reads to audiences. Both make for interesting studies. Samples of each writer's work can be read in the poetry section of this issue. The essays included also show considerable variety. Three of them come from personal experience: Saundra Adams essay reflective essay on the completion of tasks before dying, RD Armstrong's raucous account of the indignities of the emergency room, and Nancy Scott's confrontation of condescending attitudes towards her work as a poet. Holding to the purpose of featuring essays about disability poetry, Michael Northen's piece takes a look at a pioneer in the field.
Wordgathering welcomes the submission of new short fiction and literature-related essays. Writers who wish to submit essays or short fiction to this journal should check the submission guidelines. Comments about the interviews or essays appearing in this issue should be submitted to Return to Top |
This site is maintained by Michael Northen. |