Nancy Scott


(listen to the poem, read by Diane R. Wiener)

Perhaps this jar
used to have a lid
but it preferred
a different limit
where things can be
put in and taken out
to be rearranged or fondled
for texture, color or whim.
Is there a beautiful life
beyond the life of swimming?

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About the Author

Nancy Scott’s over 950 essays and poems have appeared in magazines, literary journals, anthologies, newspapers, and as audio commentaries. Her latest chapbook appears on Amazon, The Almost Abecedarian. She won First Prize in the 2009 International Onkyo Braille Essay Contest. Recent work appears in *82 Review, Black Fox Literary Magazine, Braille Forum, Chrysanthemum, Kaleidoscope, One Sentence Poems, Pulse Voices, Shark Reef, Wordgathering, and The Mighty, which regularly publishes to Yahoo News.