Ri Ekl

No Silver Spoons


A multi-colored grid of rectangular blocks, each with a different color background and a line of poetry typed in a white font. From left to right, Dreams decay with debts to pay [gray-blue rectangle traversing the entire grid from top to bottom]; No silver spoons, just broken dreams [orange]; In a harsh reality where nothing shines [aqua blue]; They rise from the ashes, tired and worn [light green]; When He - the savior [navy blue]; Hunger in a world of abundance where resources are hoarding [Kelly green]; Under the weight of society’s scorn [fuschia] appears and squeezes hope out of your suffering [brown rectangle]; and capitalizes it [dark green]; for himself [dark teal]

A multi-colored grid of rectangular blocks, each with a different color background and a line of poetry typed in a white font. From left to right,
Dreams decay with debts to pay [gray-blue rectangle traversing the entire grid from top to bottom];
No silver spoons, just broken dreams [orange];
In a harsh reality where nothing shines [aqua blue];
They rise from the ashes, tired and worn [light green];
When He – the savior [navy blue];
Hunger in a world of abundance where resources are hoarding [Kelly green];
Under the weight of society’s scorn [fuschia]
appears and squeezes hope out of your suffering [brown rectangle];
and capitalizes it [dark green];
for himself [dark teal]

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A poem displayed with text, letter by letter with punctuation, vertically in a black font on a white background. A particle dances in Rearranged patterns. In realms unseen by the Mortal eye, A particle dances in rearranged patterns. In realms unseen by the mortal eye, Lies the essence of truth, beyond the heavens. Uncertainty reigns, in Heisenberg’s domain, Where position and momentum play a mysterious game. Particles flicker, in waves they linger, A dance of probabilities where certainty hides. Entangled in webs of quantum embrace Superpositions and wave functions intertwine, In every atom, your miracles are found. In the fabric of reality, you weave your magic Entangled in webs of quantum embrace Superpositions and wave functions intertwine, In every atom, your miracles are found. In the fabric of reality, you weave your magic

A poem displayed with text, letter by letter with punctuation, vertically in a black font on a white background:
A particle dances in
Rearranged patterns.
In realms unseen by the
Mortal eye, A particle dances
in rearranged patterns.
In realms unseen by the
mortal eye,
Lies the essence of truth,
beyond the heavens.
Uncertainty reigns, in
Heisenberg’s domain,
Where position and momentum
play a mysterious game.
Particles flicker, in waves
they linger,
A dance of probabilities
where certainty hides.
Entangled in webs of quantum
Superpositions and wave
functions intertwine,
In every atom, your miracles
are found.
In the fabric of reality,
you weave your magic
Entangled in webs of quantum
Superpositions and wave
functions intertwine,
In every atom, your miracles
are found.
In the fabric of reality,
you weave your magic

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A Passenger

A horizontal bar graph with text on the Y axis, and numbers 0 to 9 on the X axis. Each line of poetry has a striped teal bar assigned with a number to match the key on the X axis. The road gets tougher with every mile (1) Navigating storms without an escape hatch (6) A passenger lost in the maze of life (8) As time passes, my burdens grow (4) Through valleys of joy and deserts of darkness (2) On the road of life, passenger (1)

A horizontal bar graph with text on the Y axis, and numbers 0 to 9 on the X axis. Each line of poetry has a striped teal bar assigned with a number to match the key on the X axis:
The road gets tougher with every mile (1)
Navigating storms without an escape hatch (6)
A passenger lost in the maze of life (8)
As time passes, my burdens grow (4)
Through valleys of joy and deserts of darkness (2)
On the road of life, passenger (1)

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About the Artist

Ri Ekl is a mathematician, amateur physicist, and artist. Ri’s creative endeavors encompass writing poetry and composing music. Visit Ri online at: www.riekl.com.