Book Reviews – Summer 2023

The Summer 2023 issue of Wordgathering includes 11 reviews that engage a broad variety of endeavors. Featured in this issue are reviews of poetry by John Lee Clark, Stephanie Heit, and DJ Savarese. Disability-themed anthologies, collections, issues of magazines and journals, and related writing and arts engagements continue to appear in the world. Works along these lines that are reviewed in this issue include: B. Allen and J. S. Allen (eds.), Spoon Knife 6: Rest Stop, a NeuroQueer Books imprint from Autonomous Press; Khairani Barokka and Cyrée Jarelle Johnson (eds.), The Massachusetts Review “Disability Justice” issue; and editor Kara Dorris’s remarkable and groundbreaking Writing the Self Elegy. Christopher Krentz’s Elusive Kinship addresses postcolonialism, Disability cultures, and intersectionality in bold ways. Meg Eden Kuyatt’s Good Different brings readers–especially youth–into conversation with ableism, with particular attention paid to embracing Autistic children as insiders. Emily Ladau’s Demystifying Disability might need to be required reading for would-be allies and accomplices in the Disability Justice struggle. Chris Martin’s co-constructed text, May Tomorrow Be Awake, has prompted both debate and some controversy; the book surely merits further discussion. Sophie Strand’s iconoclastic, interdisciplinary honoring of the mycological (The Flowering Wand: Rewilding the Sacred Masculine: Lunar Kings, Trans-Species Magicians, and Rhizomatic Harpists) is indescribably beautiful and complex while deeply readable and delightful.

As Wordgathering has grown, the number of requests that we receive for book reviews has likewise grown. Writers who would like to review books for or have books reviewed by Wordgathering should send queries to Please refer to our Submission Guidelines for more information.

If you would like to become a potentially “frequent flyer” book reviewer for Wordgathering, thereby joining our (of course, accessible) reviewers’ “pool,” please reach out to us at with a short summary of your areas of interest and expertise, a short statement of how you understand yourself and your writing to be in alignment with the journal’s goals, and a short bio, and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your interest and commitment.

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