Ivan de Monbrison

Untitled 1

(listen to the poem in Russian, read by Victoria Gryaznova)

Никто не говорит.
Лицо закрыто.
Кто-то плачет в соседней комнате.
Но это не ты.
По другую сторону стены
в саду ребенок играет один,
Его мяч красный.
Он вращается как мир.
Мои часы тоже идут,
игла кружит над горизонтом.
Тишина синяя, как море,
На краю бесконечное небо. 

(listen to the poem in English, read by Diane R. Wiener)

Nobody speaks.
A face closed up.
Someone crying in the next room.
But it’s not you.
On the other side of the wall
a child playing alone in a garden,
his ball is red.
It spins around like the world.
My clock is ticking too
the needle circles over the horizon.
The silence is as blue as the sea
at the edge of the endless sky.

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Untitled 2

(listen to the poem in Russian, read by Victoria Gryaznova)

В комнате есть тень.
Она волочится по полу, как рука.
Свет все еще горит.
Слеза крови на твоей щеке.
Берёшь в руку кусок стекла,
оно режет кожу, выходит кровь.
На следующий день,
у тебя на руке черный шрам,
или это будет лицо,
разрезанное в зеркалe.  

(listen to the poem in English, read by Diane R. Wiener)

There is a shadow in the room.
lying on the floor like a hand.
The light is still on.
A tear of blood on your cheek.
You take a piece of glass in your hand,
it cuts your skin, blood comes out.
The next day,
you have a black scar in your hand,
or could it be a face
cut out into a mirror?

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About the Author

Ivan de Monbrison, born in 1969, is a poet, writer, and artist living in Paris. He studied East Asian languages after high school, without great success. Ivan has autistic and schizophrenic tendencies that he has been trying to cope with through art, during the past twenty years of his life. His writing and art reflect maybe also the feeling of the decadence of today’s society, centered on its own vacuity and its lack of real purpose. Ivan has been published in literary magazines globally.