Book Reviews – September 2020

This issue includes four book reviews. Two poetry collections, Kara Dorris’s When the Body is a Guardrail and Jane Joritz-Nakagawa’s Plan B Audio, offer a multiplicity of aesthetics as well as raise questions about disability identity in wildly different ways (both of these books were reviewed by Diane R. Wiener). Personal essays, poems, and multi-layered genres ingeniously populate Rachel Kallem Whitman’s Instability in Six Colors (reviewed by Michael Northen); each facet is its own commentary on Bipolar Disorder, while the facets coalesce to fashion the text as a whole. Heather Lanier’s memoir, Raising a Rare Girl (reviewed by Ona Gritz), addresses many nuances in its complex discussion of disability, parenthood, and a plethora of other themes.

As Wordgathering has grown, it is increasingly indebted to those who offer their skills as book reviewers. Writers who would like to review books for or have books reviewed by Wordgathering should send queries to Please refer to our Submission Guidelines for more information.

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