Book Reviews – June 2020

This issue includes seven book reviews. Poetry by Cyrus Cassells and Tamara Hattis are discussed, along with a brand new anthology edited by Alice Wong, Sandra Gail Lambert’s memoir, a groundbreaking cross-genre work by Karen Christie and Nancy Rourke, Teresa Milbrodt’s latest short-story collection, and Ria Cheyne’s study of disability in contemporary fiction. The stylistic conventions and aesthetics of these seven texts are as varied as their reviewers’ approaches, highlighting the importance of “CripLit” in the world, today.

As Wordgathering has grown, it is increasingly indebted to those who offer their skills as book reviewers. In this issue they are Amy Cohen Efron, Michael Northen, Liz Whiteacre, and Diane R. Wiener. Writers who would like to review books for or have books reviewed by Wordgathering should send queries to Please refer to our Submission Guidelines for more information.

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