Kathy Pierce


In the best of times
it's firm, solid, comforting,
soft enough, but with no tricks.
Oh…and, right where you left it.

But in a rain time, a cold time,
a hot time, a quake time, or
any other off time…
Watch Out!
Here comes its unknown repertoire:

You can sink in it, slip on it,
burn your feet, fall to your knees –
or worse – off the edge of the world.
It can tilt
so you have to grab
at any tree or fire hydrant
to stop yourself from flying into space.

Count on this.
This, and …weeds will arise
to plague you and offer traction.
Any bit of traction
helps you hold on.

Kathy Pierce, a writer, artist and a full time storyteller for the past twenty years, believes that storytelling celebrates all aspects of life and the human connection. She writes poetry, essay, personal and original story, often incorporating them into her storytelling performances, and workshops, for adults and kids. Kathy lives in NJ with her husband Rob and two cats. Email: pierckat@hotmail.com.