Lynn Guttmann
is a phantom
who lulls me
with her
rocking horse
come down
float down
into silken damask sheets–
a carpet the color of ice
adorned with a hundred spices
lay down, my lovely
stay down, my lovely
slumber, Sleeping Beauty
crows cackle
jays screech
bright yellow
butterflies laugh
lay down, my lovely
stay down, my lovely
slumber, Sleeping Beauty
Dali's clock croons,
Don’t get up.
Don't get up.
The curtains whisper,
Keep a closed eye.
The comforter gently reminds me,
Alas, time & tide brook no procrastination.
The French door shrugs,
Before I close, you better be up standing.
The pillow declines!
Prince, my flamboyant Prince,
come with your flashing sword,
imbibe a slug of cognac and
tell phantom Fatigue where to go.
* * *
I live within the four walls of myself
motionless with fatigue
silent as a tree in the forest
I sleep in & out of time
from shade into shadow
from shadow into darkness
from my dear ones
I am that girl in the forest,
asleep in her coffin of glass
the lid is my casement
the walls of my room are its sides
my energy rises up
seemingly unbidden,
fragmentary, unpredictable
then sinks
only to rise again
I place my palm against the glass
the casement flies open
my dear ones kiss my cheek
We are the sky breathing laughter
the flowers exploding brightness
the forest and fields stretching to the horizon
for me this fleeting pleasure
is some times
Lynn Guttman is an accomplished visual artist whose pastels and drawings have been selected for numerous art shows and festivals over
the last five decades. As her fibromyalgia fatigue flareups became more frequent and severe, she decided to retire from her day-job as a municipal
engineering director and learned that taking long naps allowed her verbal creativity brain cells to expand. She now finds spontaneous pleasure in
gardening, knitting, listening to audiobooks, reading, writing poetry and giggling with grandchildren.