Kirk Lumpkin


I smile
	(to myself)
	seeing the couple
	on the sidewalk
	by the open car door
	holding each other
	as if
	to begin
	a dance--
Right there
	in the analytical daylight,
	in the middle of the work day world
	without the comforting, seductive night,
	without any music.
I think they are two
	of the brave
	or the naturally

But I am mistaken
	they have not embraced
	to dance.
The man holds the woman
	to move her
	into the car
	from a wheel chair.

Who dances in the daylight?

Do you ever dance in the daylight?

And then again
	perhaps I was not
	quite mistaken
	and this too
	was a kind
	of dance. 

Kirk Lumpkin has authored two poetry books, Co-Hearing and In Deep (which this poem is from). He recently released an album of rock songs, Moondog Sessions, and soon will release a poetry/music CD, Sound Poems, with The Word-Music Continuum. For more information: