Ann Eustace


As a child I wanted to be Scarlett O'Hara
Glamorous, sought after, popular—
dashing Rhett Butler in love with me.
Later I wished to be Melanie
Sweet and kind and helping others,
in love with honorable Ashley Wilkes.

Something happened.
I became Scarlett.
Selfish and spoiled, angry,
Wanting my own way.
Then Melanie again.
I would go back and forth.
Scarlett-Melanie, Scarlett-Melanie.

I never knew when
The switch would happen.
I never knew why.

My normal me became gone with the wind.


Ann Eustace has been writing since she was six—quite a stretch—but poetry for only the last 15 years. She was a reference librarian in public libraries and trained as a chaplain. She is also a great- grandmother. Eustace says, "I am bipolar, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetic...but the bipolar is the worst. My assisted living place takes good care of me and I have a fabulous counselor." Her work has appeared in Wordgathering, Lucidity Poetry Journal and Coffee House Poems.