Flash Memoir – December 2020

Contents in this issue include: Maya Larson, Stargazer Rachael A. Zubal-Ruggieri, Selections from the Micro Mutant Memoir Postcard Project Wordgathering is open to work that makes a contribution to disability literature. Writers interested in submitting a flash memoir for publication consideration should first send a query to wordgathering@syr.edu describing the proposed piece and how it relates to disability… Continue Reading Flash Memoir – December 2020

Book Reviews – December 2020

This issue includes five book reviews about five very different kinds of books in the CripLit world. Allison C. Carey, Pamela Block, and Richard K. Scotch’s Allies and Obstacles: Disability Activism and Parents of Children with Disabilities (reviewed by Rachael Zubal-Ruggieri) offers readers a strong introduction to at times contested issues—namely, how disabled children fare in the… Continue Reading Book Reviews – December 2020

Volume 14, Issue 4 – December 2020

December 2020 (Volume 14, Issue 4) is the 56th issue of Wordgathering. As Editor-in-Chief, I remain deeply grateful for ongoing and outstanding collaborative support from my esteemed colleagues at Syracuse University—Kate Deibel, Patrick Williams, and Rachael Zubal-Ruggieri. This issue marks one year since Wordgathering transitioned to its new home at Syracuse University, Immense gratitude goes… Continue Reading Volume 14, Issue 4 – December 2020

Volume 14, Issue 3 – September 2020

September 2020 (Volume 14, Issue 3) is the 55th issue of Wordgathering. Diane R. Wiener (Editor-in-Chief) is grateful for ongoing and outstanding collaborative support from her esteemed colleagues at Syracuse University—Kate Deibel, Patrick Williams, and Rachael Zubal-Ruggieri. Immense gratitude goes to: Gatherer’s Blog Editor, Ona Gritz; Prose Editor, Sean J. Mahoney; and Poetry Editor, Emily… Continue Reading Volume 14, Issue 3 – September 2020

Volume 14, Issue 2 – June 2020

June 2020 (Volume 14, Issue 2) is the 54th issue of Wordgathering. Diane R. Wiener (Editor-in-Chief) is grateful for ongoing and outstanding collaborative support from her esteemed colleagues at Syracuse University—Kate Deibel, Patrick Williams, and Rachael Zubal-Ruggieri. Immense gratitude goes to: Gatherer’s Blog Editor, Ona Gritz; Prose Editor, Sean J. Mahoney; and Poetry Editor, Emily… Continue Reading Volume 14, Issue 2 – June 2020

Interview with Mallory Kay Nelson

WG: Thanks for agreeing to meet with me, Mallory! Can you tell Wordgathering readers about the National Disability Theater’s inaugural production, Emily Driver’s Great Race through Time and Space (and why you also call it “Emily Driver’s Disability Revolution”)? Mallory Kay Nelson (MKN): Yes! I can also tell you about Alice in Wonderland and primarily… Continue Reading Interview with Mallory Kay Nelson

Volume 14, Issue 1 – March 2020

March 2020 (Volume 14, Issue 1) is the 53rd issue of Wordgathering, and marks its 13th anniversary. Diane R. Wiener (Editor-in-Chief) is grateful for ongoing and outstanding collaborative support from her esteemed colleagues at Syracuse University—Kate Deibel, Benjamin Jones, Patrick Williams, Eddie Zaremba, and Rachael Zubal-Ruggieri. Immense gratitude goes to: Gatherer’s Blog Editor, Ona Gritz;… Continue Reading Volume 14, Issue 1 – March 2020


Wordgathering ISSN 2690-7089 Editor-in-Chief: Diane R. Wiener Flash Memoir Editor: Daniel Simpson Gatherer’s Blog Editor: Ona Gritz Poetry Editor: Emily K. Michael Prose Editor: Sean J. Mahoney Special Guest Editor, 2020-2023: Kenny Fries Assistant Editor: Rachael A. Zubal-Ruggieri Assistant Book Reviews Editor: Kate Champlin Founding Emeritus Editors: Stuart Sanderson, Dana Hirsch, Yvette Green, and Denise… Continue Reading Masthead

Volume 13, Issue 4 – December 2019

December 2019 (Volume 13, Issue 4) is the 52nd issue of Wordgathering. Our “transition team” issue was co-edited by outgoing Editor-in-Chief Michael Northen and incoming Editor-in-Chief, Diane R. Wiener, with outstanding collaborative support from our esteemed colleagues at Syracuse University—Rachael Zubal Ruggieri, Eddie Zaremba, Kate Deibel, and Amanda Page. You can read more about the… Continue Reading Volume 13, Issue 4 – December 2019